Led by Executive Director, Darlene Cox, the Health Care Consumers’ Association of the ACT represents the interests of people needing to access ACT hospitals and health, medical and associated services. The HCCA calls on the unique expertise of consumers whose “lived experience” means that they are well placed to raise issues about Canberra’s health system with relevant policy makers and governments and therefore help to improve health services. HCCA provides opportunities for members to train as consumer representatives and participate in advocacy and representation on health committees.

Pearls and Irritations is the blog of respected Australian businessman and commentator, John Menadue AO. The blog publishes significant information and comment especially on contemporary policies needed to deal with various issues related to health, but also climate change, the economy, growing inequality, tax avoidance, an ageing population, ways to lift the country’s productivity and the treatment of asylum seekers. John Menadue served (1960-1967) as Private Secretary to Labor’s Deputy Leader and Leader, Gough Whitlam, later working in leadership roles including with Qantas, Telstra and the NSW State Rail Authority. Mr Menadue was head of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (1974-1976) serving Prime Ministers Whitlam and the Liberals’ Malcolm Fraser. John Menadue’s later appointments included Australian Ambassador to Japan and chair of NSW and South Australian government health reviews. He also founded the Centre for Policy Development.