a website by Geri Bryant-Badham

Category: Travel Page 3 of 4

Content about places worth visiting

The Waste Between Our Ears

Queanbeyan-based writer, researcher and advocate, Gerry Gillespie, has recently written The Waste Between Our Ears, a book outlining ways to rethink rubbish disposal. “[We need]…to think differently about discarded materials – about how to focus on their economic value rather than on how they simply are waste. To do this, you will need to be able to put your mind in a different place”, says its Foreword.  … Read more.

FLORIADE: Re-imagined

With 2020’s Floriade held across Canberra rather than at its usual venue of Commonwealth Park, many Canberrans have been able to enjoy colourful displays of magnificent blooms in their local areas. Weston Creek is one such beneficiary and FLORIADE: Re-imagined in Trenerry Square has added a much-appreciated splash of colour. This “new” Floriade is perhaps akin (though on a much smaller scale) to Toowoomba’s annual Carnival of Flowers where residents and tourists can enjoy a wide range of events across Toowoomba, including chances to visit spectacular private and public garden displays and the iconic street parade and food and wine stalls.  … Read more.

Tigers and Giants pre-season

Tigers and GWS: Wagga Wagga

The AFL Community Series (pre-season warmup games) in Wagga Wagga on Sunday included the 2019 grand finalists (Richmond and Greater Western Sydney) face off for the first time since last year. And while not as intense as regular AFL footy, the game depicted a willing contest with the full range of Australian rules skills on display.  … Read more.

Canberra-Melbourne: places worth a visit

Many service centres along the Hume Highway on the drive from Canberra to Melbourne provide a vast array of fast-food options. But small towns and villages off the highway have much to offer travellers, including the chance to stretch their legs and take in local attractions and learn a little more of an area’s history.  … Read more.

Farewell to Timor Leste Ambassador

Canberra Friends of Dili (CFD) recently farewelled the retiring Ambassador to Australia, Abel Guterres, at the Timor Leste Embassy in Deakin. For many years, Abel and his wife, Ana, have worked tirelessly to assist people in Timor Leste, and with their support, Canberra Friends of Dili have held regular fund-raising events, including that to establish and provide ongoing assistance to the Permatil School Garden in Bidau-Masau.  … Read more.

Architectural designs discussion at festival

The recent Design Canberra Festival (designcanberrafestival.com.au/events/), saw renowned Australian and internationally-renowned architect, John Andrews AO, discuss many aspects of modern architecture with author-comedian, Tim Ross (from the ABC’s award-winning Streets of Your Town series). After completing a Masters in the 1950s at Harvard University, John designed various acclaimed buildings across North America, such as the CN Tower, Scarborough College at Toronto University and Gund Hall at Harvard.  … Read more.

After She Left

Canberra author, researcher and editor, Penelope Hanley’s latest book, After She Left, takes readers on a journey through five decades, focusing largely on three main characters: bohemian artist, Deirdre O’Mara, an Irish émigré in 1927 to Sydney, where she soon gives birth to her daughter, Maureen. Maureen takes a different life path to her mother, opting for marriage at a young age and devotion to husband, children, hearth and home.  … Read more.

A Very Great City One Day

In his memoir, A Very Great City One Day, well-known Canberra architect, Roger Pegrum, intersperses stories of his family background and personal, academic and professional life, tracing times from his arrival in Canberra as a 10-year-old with his twin brother, Tony (who also became an architect). The family settled into the new Canberra suburb of Narrabundah.  … Read more.

Great Ocean Road adventures

Very popular with many Australians (including Canberrans) and international tourists, Victoria’s Great Ocean Road stretches along the south western coast of the state spanning the Surf Coast (Torquay to Cape Otway) and Shipwreck Coast, further west of Cape Otway. Heritage listed, winding (treacherously so at times) and hugging the coastline, the road was built by Australia’s returned soldiers during 1919-1932, and dedicated to soldiers killed in World War I.  … Read more.

A peaceful stay in Huskisson

Around two and a half hours’ drive from Canberra via Tarago and Nerriga across various State Forests that meet the Princes Highway just south of Nowra, the Huskisson Bed & Breakfast (www.huskissonbnb.com.au), is hosted by Kate and Steve, renowned for their hospitality in ensuring that guests enjoy a peaceful break from modern life.  … Read more.

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