The 2023 Manning Clark lecture is to be delivered by Craig Foster co-Chair (with renowned Olympian, Nova Peris) of the Australian Republican Movement (ARM), at 6pm on 2 May at Manning Clark Hall, Kambri Cultural Precinct, ANU. As one of Australia’s most respected sportspeople and broadcaster, social justice advocate and human rights campaigner, in Australia’s Third Act: Reconciled, Independent, Truly Multicultural, Craig will focus on the meaning of contemporary Australian identity, social and cultural changes since the 20th century, lessons from the 1999 Referendum and advances in historical understanding leading to a powerful national movement of truth-telling and reconciliation. The issue of why it is time for Australia to commit to true democracy and equality and walk together and alone as a Republic, will also be explored, followed by a Q&A session and light refreshments. Details: Manning Clark House and ARM members $20; concession $25; general admission $30. Bookings: